Firm News

Presentation on “Code of Ethics and the Discipline Process” for Early Childhood Educators Ontario

May 27th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

On Saturday, May 25, 2103, Paula Boutis gave a presentation at the 2013 conference for the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario on the “Code of Ethics and the Discipline Process” (pdf).

In 2007, Early Childhood Educators were recognized as members of a profession. With that, came the obligation to self‑regulate the membership. In 2011, the profession established a Code of Ethics. Paula’s presentation gave an overview of how the standards of the profession are enforced and what members can expect during a complaint investigation and discipline process.

Progress in the fight against jets on Toronto’s waterfront

May 9th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

Tuesday was a good day for NoJetsTo, a grassroots organization fighting against Porter Airline’s plan to fly jets our to Toronto’s island airport. Although city council voted in favour of proceeding with a study of the proposed expansion, it also approved four motions which together severely constrain the scope of this study. Together, these motions, which aim to hold Porter to its word and to protect the right of private pilots to use the airport, make the success of the expansion much less likely. Read more on NoJetsTo’s blog.

Brian Iler is Chair of CommunityAIR, a supporting organization of NoJetsTO.

Iler Campbell and AIS, Inc. relationship strengthens

April 30th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

Since 1972, AIS has provided accommodation, information and support to people in Toronto affected by mental health challenges, substance abuse and the trauma associated with homelessness.  Take at look at the AIS website to see some of its great work. Iler Campbell LLP is proud to be a part of AIS’ circle of service providers, providing real estate and corporate/commercial advice to the organization for approximately 15 years.  Together with AIS, we are pleased to announce that one of our associates, Celia Chandler, is volunteering her personal time as a member of the Board of Directors of AIS.  Celia has a growing interest in issues related to housing and mental health and looks forward to broadening her understanding in this new role.   

Free Talk! Board Governance: Roles & Responsibilities

April 29th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

Join the GTA Co‑op Network for this free talk by Paula Boutis
6:30PM Tuesday May 14 at Harvest Noon Cafe + Co-op.

If you’re on the board of a co-op, considering it, or just curious, you’re sure to gain some valuable information!

This talk will review the relevant legislation governing co‑operative governance, the roles of the directors & officers, and their obligations, including potential liabilities that arise when you are a director or officer of a Board.

Here’s the event listing on facebook. No RSVP or registration is required — just show up! This event is also an *optional potluck* so please bring something to share with the group if you have time! Finger-food is preferable. Join us afterwards for a drink, or just to socialize at the GSU Pub — just below Harvest Noon!

Paula Boutis helps Osgoode Law School team make it to the final competition round

April 16th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

Paula Boutis, along with Michael McClurg of Olthius Kleer Townshend, coached one of two excellent Osgoode teams for the Willms & Shier Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, held at the Ontario Court of Appeal on March 9, 2013.

The team placed second overall, and team members Jesse Cohen ’14 and Luke Johnston ’14 both won distinguished oralist awards. Johnston also won the award for top oralist in the final round.

Congratulations to all the participants!

For more details on the event see here.

Free Talk: How to run a board meeting, and write your minutes, so you stay out of trouble and know what you decided.

April 4th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

Paula Boutis is giving a free talk on April 18, 2013, at Harvest Noon for the GTA Co‑op Network:

Topic: How to run a board meeting, and write your minutes, so you stay out of trouble and know what you decided.

Location: 16 Bancroft Ave, on the 2nd floor of the Graduate Students Union building:

Time: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., with time for networking.  No registration required.

This workshop will review the basics of running an efficient meeting and how to properly minute your meetings. As lawyers specializing in membership based organizations, including Co‑operatives, we frequently need to review our clients records for various purposes, including litigation purposes. Knowing how to run meetings, and properly minute your decisions is crucial. Workshop leader Paula Boutis has volunteered in the non‑profit sector for over a decade. She is also frequently litigating the various issues that arise for the firm’s clients, and has seen the grief bad minutes can cause.