Firm News

Some Iler Campbell staffing news

March 13th, 2018 by Iler Campbell

With spring comes renewal, and Iler Campbell is no different! For a couple of years now, our clients have enjoyed working with a consistent team of lawyers, many of whom began with us as articling students and stayed on as lawyers. As with any profession, though, it is unusual for young lawyers to stay at a single firm. While we are sad that two of our home‑grown lawyers are leaving us, we’re equally pleased, though, both have bitten the housing bug and have taken jobs in the housing sector.

Katie Douglas, called to the bar in 2016, has left us for a job lawyering at Toronto Community Housing. Many will know her for her frequent trips to the Landlord and Tenant Board on behalf of our housing clients. Of her time here, Katie says: “I enjoyed working for Iler Campbell’s great clients and getting to know the unique challenges facing the non-profit sector. I’m sad to leave Iler Campbell but excited to continue my career in social housing.” We wish Katie much success as she tackles housing issues from the perspective of an in‑house lawyer.

Lauren Blumas started with us as a summer student in 2012 and developed a strong interest in a range of housing issues like hoarding, aging in place, co‑buying and medical cannabis in housing. Lauren has also decided to see the housing sector from the inside and has taken a management position with Victoria Park Community Homes based in Hamilton. Our loss is their gain. Lauren reflects on her time here in the following way: “I’m grateful for my time at Iler Campbell and the practical foundation it’s given me to pursue a career in affordable housing. It is the good work of Iler Campbell and its incredible clients that inspired me to dedicate my efforts to the urgent issue of affordable housing.”

Do not despair, though – clients will continue to be well‑served. Shelina Ali, Safia Lakhani, and Michael Hackl, and firm partners, Brian Iler, Ted Hyland and Celia Chandler will be joined by Claudia Pedrero. Claudia articled with us then left for awhile and gained valuable experience in condominium law at another firm. We’re thrilled she’s come back to us. Claudia will work on condominium development, financing, purchase and sale transactions, and real estate co-ownership. She will also advise non-profits, charities and co-ops on general corporate governance and housing matters. She is on the board of directors of the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust, which lets her bring real‑world perspective to client service.

Iler Campbell in 2017: A to Z

December 21st, 2017 by Iler Campbell

We’ve put something special together to celebrate the end of the year. Check it out!

We aim to ‘walk the talk’: our Statement of Principle regarding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

November 9th, 2017 by Iler Campbell

As many of you have read in the media, and last week on our blog, the Law Society of Upper Canada has decided to take action to improve the circumstances of racialized lawyers and paralegals.

As lawyers, we are already required to follow the Law Society’s Rules of Professional Conduct that apply to all lawyers in Ontario. Among other things, those Rules say that, “A lawyer has a duty to carry on the practice of law and discharge all responsibilities to clients, tribunals, the public and other members of the profession honourably and with integrity.” The Commentary on this particular Rule includes the following: “A lawyer has special responsibilities by virtue of the privileges afforded the legal profession and the important role it plays in a free and democratic society and in the administration of justice, including a special responsibility to recognize the diversity of the Ontario community, to protect the dignity of individuals, and to respect human rights laws in force in Ontario” (emphasis added).

Continue reading “We aim to ‘walk the talk’: our Statement of Principle regarding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion”

Catch us at the 2017 ONPHA Conference and Tradeshow!

October 30th, 2017 by Iler Campbell

Are you attending the 2017 ONPHA Conference and Tradeshow this weekend? Be sure to stop by our tradeshow booth! We’ll be at booth number 124 on Friday from 8‑3. We love seeing faces new and old. Chat about your legal needs and learn about the free legal education opportunities we have on offer. Plus, fill out a ballot for a draw prize!

We’re also participating in several sessions at the conference:

Lauren Blumas is co‑leading a session as part of Education Day on Friday November 3rd. Titled, “Consent, capacity and substitute decision-making: A housing perspective” the ½ day session will address how to help elderly tenants maintain successful tenancies in a way that respects their dignity and autonomy.

Lauren is also co‑presenter of session 501 on Saturday November 4th, titled “Breathing easier: Smoke-free non-profit housing” Learn the rationale behind establishing smoke-free buildings (including within individual units), and hear practical advice on implementing policies and legal guidance on creating and enforcing the policy.

Finally, Michael Hackl and Katie Douglas are presenting session 502 on Saturday on End of Operating Agreements titled, “EOA: Ensuring legal readiness.” They’ll address the many legal matters to consider as you prepare for your EOA.

Iler Campbell at CHF Canada London Fall Education Event this weekend

October 25th, 2017 by Iler Campbell

This Saturday, be sure to join Iler Campbell LLP lawyers at CHF Canada’s 2017 London Fall Education Event.  Celia Chandler, who spoke at least year’s event on human rights, is joined this year by her colleague, Safia Lakhani.  Safia’s a litigator with the firm and together they will talk about how a co‑op can use Small Claims Court to its advantage.  They both look forward to reconnecting with clients and housing co‑op friends and to meeting lots of new ones.

Iler Campbell at the CHFT Fall 2017 Education Event

September 27th, 2017 by Iler Campbell

The Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto’s 2017 Toronto Fall Education Event is October 21 at Oakham House on Ryerson’s campus.

Katie Douglas will be leading a workshops called “Am I allowed to …? What you can and can’t do in your unit”

You can read about the event here and register here.