Firm News

Articling position filled for 2018-2019

August 18th, 2017 by Iler Campbell

Thank you to all those who applied to Iler Campbell for a position for the 2018‑2019 articling period.   We were pleased to receive applications from 150 well‑qualified candidates.  We interviewed the top 12 this week following the process set out by the Law Society of Upper Canada; our offer to our top candidate was accepted.   We are confident she will make a great contribution when she joins us in a year’s time, joining the ranks of some terrific students we’ve had over the years.

We wish all those seeking articling positions the best of luck in their search.   We will advertise again next May for the 2019‑2020 articling period.

Adam Vaughan brought me to tears: dispatches from CHF Canada’s 2017 AGM in Niagara Falls

June 14th, 2017 by Celia Chandler

The Co‑operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) AGM, a highlight in my annual calendar, is over for another year. Last week, co‑op members, staff, and others in the sector gathered in Niagara Falls to learn, to strengthen ties across the country, to hear from politicians, to make organizational decisions, and yes, to have fun. For me, all those things happened and more.

Continue reading “Adam Vaughan brought me to tears: dispatches from CHF Canada’s 2017 AGM in Niagara Falls”

It’s that time of year – CHF Canada’s annual conference! 

June 6th, 2017 by Iler Campbell

Once again this year, Iler Campbell LLP lawyers are honoured to have been asked to speak at the Co‑operative Housing Federation of Canada’s Co‑operative Management Conference and Member Education Forum in Niagara Falls this week.   CHF Canada provides this annual opportunity for housing co‑opers from across the country to gather to discuss emerging issues, strategize about their collective response, make new friends and renew old acquaintances.

Celia Chandler, a regular presenter for CHF Canada and its regional federations, will participate in the legal issues town hall for managers on Wednesday.  On Thursday, Celia will give a presentation to members on human rights and in particular, when co‑ops have a duty to accommodate behaviours that do not conform to the community standard.

Lauren Blumas, no stranger to the co‑op world, will deliver a workshop on Thursday afternoon on the legal issues stemming from aging in place.  On Friday morning, Lauren and Andrew Noble of the Non‑Smokers’ Rights Association of Ontario will discuss how to deal with smokers in co‑op communities.  This is sure to draw a crowd, especially with the federal promise of legalization of marijuana on the horizon.

If you’re at the conference, please be sure to say “hi” to Lauren and Celia.  And stay tuned to this blog for future Iler Campbell speaking engagements.

What can you expect from articling with Iler Campbell?

May 8th, 2017 by Iler Campbell

In short: to do meaningful work for organizations making a difference in their community, while being mentored by a passionate team of practitioners.

As the only student in a small general service firm, you’ll get a taste of all our practice areas, including charity & non‑profit law, commercial law, real estate, human rights, landlord and tenant law, employment law, construction, corporate governance & structuring, estate law and civil litigation.

You’ll be exposed to all the firm’s major client groups, including housing co‑operatives, affordable housing developers, non‑profit organizations in a variety of industries, progressive for‑profit organizations.

What makes Iler Campbell different?

At Iler Campbell, we believe in the social goals of our clients, so we see our role as helping our clients do what they do – be it run a better housing co‑operative, build more renewable energy projects, create more affordable housing, or provide a charitable benefit.

We are actively involved in community‑level organizations by sitting on boards, committees or volunteering with non‑profit and charitable organizations.

What kind of work does the articling student do?

You will be asked to research and prepare client opinions that provide practical legal advice on a wide range of legal issues. Students are also trained to represent housing providers at the Landlord & Tenant Board at mediation sessions and merits hearings. Most of the firm’s civil litigation work comes from our corporate and real estate development clients; as a result, articling candidates should come expecting mostly solicitor and administrative law work – there is no guarantee that each articling period will involve much litigation. If any comes through the door, the articling student will be involved. This could include drafting submissions, preparing for examinations and disclosure, and observing court appearances. You may also get the chance to appear on simple motions or small claims court matters.

Most students are exposed to at least some stages of an affordable housing project ‑ from the purchase or sale of land, obtaining construction financing, the creation of a condominium corporation, to the sale of affordable housing units. For the student, work on these files can involve drafting agreements, organizing due diligence materials or reviewing closing documents.

Our articling student is also involved in the corporate law services we provide to our clients. This can involve reviewing by‑laws for legislative compliance, drafting employment or human rights policies and research on corporate structuring. These files involve consulting relevant legislation and preparing plain‑language materials that help our clients make decisions and understand their responsibilities as directors of a corporation, employers, housing providers, or in fulfilling their duties under the Human Rights Code or other relevant legislation.

We are a small firm, so there is no formal rotation. You will receive work directly from the lawyer working on the file and likely have a mix of litigation and corporate/transactional work on the go at the same time.

For example, in one day, you could be attending a hearing at the Landlord and Tenant Board in the morning, researching an employment law issue in the afternoon, and attending a housing co‑operative board meeting to review their by‑laws in the evening.

In sum, you can expect to be exposed to a very broad range of practice areas and have a real impact on the work we do for our co‑operative, non‑profit and progressive business clients.

Come article with us!

Please submit your application for the 2018-19 articling year by Friday, July 7 to [email protected]. Please include a cover letter, resume, reference letters and copies of your transcripts. We look forward to hearing from you!

Travel back in time with us!

December 21st, 2016 by Iler Campbell

To celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of a new one we’re taking you back in time. Click here to check out some notable moments from 2016.

An update from Public Interest Career Day at McGill Law

November 29th, 2016 by Safia Lakhani

On November 16th, 2016, I headed back to Montreal to participate in McGill’s public interest career day- it was my first time back at the Faculty since I graduated in 2012! In addition to meeting public interest lawyers from across Canada, I had the opportunity to participate in a panel for law students on navigating the world of public interest law. Looking at out at a room full of first, second, and third year students, I remembered what it felt like to be in the midst of exams, completing countless job applications and wondering where I would land. One of my takeaway points was that while you may not end up in a public interest job immediately after law school, you should stay connected to the areas that interest and inspire you- whether by serving on boards or doing pro bono work. Litigation skills will serve you well in public interest law, so it is also worth investing time in developing them.

Iler Campbell has hired an articling student for the 2017-2018 year. We will update our website with more information on the application process for articling in 2018-2019, so stay tuned!