Inquiring into international human rights abuses: To what end?

May 31st, 2018 by Safia Lakhani

This article was first published on

2018 marks 70 years since the establishment of the state of Israel and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in what is known as the “nakba,” or, disaster. This was also the year that the United States decided to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, sparking demonstrations in the occupied territories. On May 14, 2018, Israeli forces opened fire on Palestinians, killing some 59 individuals and injuring over 2,700 others, including a Canadian medic who was treating protesters. The bloodshed has been described as the most violent in the Israeli‑Palestinian conflict since the war on Gaza in 2014. Two days later, Prime Minister Trudeau called for an independent investigation to thoroughly examine the facts on the ground — including any incitement, violence, and the excessive use of force in Gaza. Continue reading “Inquiring into international human rights abuses: To what end?”

Think your waiver has you covered? It might not.

May 18th, 2018 by Elliot Fonarev

Chances are your organization has dealt with waivers if your services have the potential to create injury or liability to your clients or customers – for example, if you operate sports facilities or provide access to a physical space with potential hazards. If so, a recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on the topic of waivers may interest you. It highlights that documents that release liability should be drafted very specifically to make it clear which legal rights are being waived.

Continue reading “Think your waiver has you covered? It might not.”

What can you expect from articling with Iler Campbell?

May 4th, 2018 by Iler Campbell

In short: to do meaningful work for organizations making a difference in their community, while being mentored by a passionate team of practitioners.

As the only student in a small general service firm, you’ll get a taste of all our practice areas, including charity & non‑profit law, commercial law, real estate, human rights, landlord and tenant law, employment law, construction, corporate governance & structuring, estate law and civil litigation.

You’ll be exposed to all the firm’s major client groups, including housing co‑operatives, affordable housing developers, non‑profit organizations in a variety of industries, and progressive for‑profit organizations.

Continue reading “What can you expect from articling with Iler Campbell?”

Cannabis Legalization: What Social Housing Providers Need to Know

April 27th, 2018 by Iler Campbell

Celia Chandler recently participated in a webinar titled “Cannabis Legalization: What Social Housing Providers Need to Know.” A video of the webinar is now up on Housing Services Corporation’s Sustainable Housing Asset Resource Exchange (SHARE) website.  Celia is joined on the webinar by Brian Laur, Housing Services Corporation’s Director of Insurance Services.

Watch the webinar and download the presentation here.
Continue reading “Cannabis Legalization: What Social Housing Providers Need to Know”

Medical cannabis benefits denied: How statutory insurance plans can avoid paying workers’ compensation benefits

April 26th, 2018 by Michael Hackl

As we move toward the legalization of recreational cannabis, I thought it would be interesting to look at a recent case dealing with medical cannabis and the efforts of one person to get assistance from his province’s workers’ compensation board to contribute to the cost of the medical cannabis prescribed to him.

The case of Skinner v. Nova Scotia (Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal) provides insight into how the use of medical cannabis is sometimes still perceived as an unconventional treatment despite having been legal in Canada for almost two decades, and also how administrative law gives statutory insurance schemes ways to avoid providing benefits to individuals seeking coverage for medically prescribed treatment. Continue reading “Medical cannabis benefits denied: How statutory insurance plans can avoid paying workers’ compensation benefits”

Iler Campbell spring event roundup

April 12th, 2018 by Iler Campbell

Iler Campbell lawyers have a busy spring conference season. Here’s a roundup of where you can find us leading workshops.

Celia is presenting on Cannabis in housing at the Institute of Housing Management Annual Conference on April 13th and then flying to Winnipeg to speak on the same topic for the CHF Canada 2018 Manitoba Spring Education Event on April 14th. She’ll be co‑leading a free webinar on the topic with Brian Laur, Director of Insurance Services for Housing Services Corporation on April 18 as part of HSC’s webinar series.

Michael will be speaking at AdvantAge Ontario’s Annual General Meeting and Convention on April 18 on the topic of addressing senior resident’s behavior issues.

Celia will be part of a panel on residential landlord-tenant dispute resolution at the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association’s Congress on Housing and Homelessness in Ottawa on April 26th.  We will also be participating in the tradeshow on April 25th.

Shelina and Claudia are presenting at CHFT’s Spring Member Education Event on Saturday April 28th. Shelina is co‑presenting a workshop on social media with Sophie Taylor of PHCH and Shelina and Claudia are presenting on legal cannabis and co‑ops.

On May 11 Celia will be in Sudbury speaking about human rights in housing for CHF Ontario.

Celia will be at CHFC’s AGM in Victoria, BC. She’ll be presenting June 7th on smoking and cannabis in co-ops on and on human rights in co‑ops.