Should social enterprises have a special corporate structure?

May 31st, 2014 by Iler Campbell

The United States, the United Kingdom, British Columbia and Nova Scotia each have regulation which allows for “hybrid enterprises,” entities with both profit- making and non-profit goals. In a June 2010 report on the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA), the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology asked if the CBCA should be amended to include these entities too.

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Co-op Evictions: New LTB process begins June 1

May 30th, 2014 by Celia Chandler

As many of you know, today marks the last day to file an application in Superior Court to evict members from housing co‑operatives. Starting June 1st, co-op evictions will be handled by the Landlord and Tenant Board. This is the end of a long relationship we have had with many housing co‑operatives in the GTA and beyond helping them make difficult eviction decisions and then process those through the court system. It has been our pleasure to work with you on these.

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Iler Campbell at Co-operative Housing Federation Canada AGM

May 30th, 2014 by Iler Campbell

Celia Chandler will be at the CHF Canada AGM in Ottawa on June 4th and 5th participating in the Co-operative Management Conference and Member Education Forum. With over 750 attendees, the AGM is the largest co-op housing event in Canada. We’re thrilled to be part of it this year. On Wednesday June 4th Celia will participate in a town hall titled “Responding to the changing needs of co-op members.” On Thursday June 5th she will lead a workshop titled “Learning to make your case at the Landlord and Tenant Board.”

Does the right to housing belong in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

May 29th, 2014 by Shelina Ali

This week, the Ontario Court of Appeal is hearing an appeal of the 2013 court decision in Tanudjaja et. al. v. Attorney General (Canada) et al. dismissing an application — of four individuals who identified as homeless, together with the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (the Applicants) — concerning the right to housing. The application in Tanudjaja asked the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to, among other things, make a declaration that the Government of Canada’s and the Government of Ontario’s failure to implement a national and provincial housing strategy violates the federal and provincial government’s obligations under sections 7 and 15(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the Charter). By seeking this declaration, the application put the issue of whether social and economic rights are embodied in the Charter squarely in front of the court.


Considering social enterprise

May 12th, 2014 by Lauren Blumas

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology undertook an extensive review of the Canadian Business Corporations Act back in 2010 and recommended consultation on 4 discrete issues, one of which was the rules applicable to incorporation of socially responsible enterprise.

Much of the discussion since has focused on introducing a hybrid corporate vehicle similar to the Community Contribution Company form available in B.C. In a nutshell, these corporations are somewhere in-between a non‑profit and a traditional business corporation. They operate with a community purpose and can have shareholders. They are also subject to an asset lock that is intended to ensure that a majority of the assets are fed back into the community, as opposed to shareholders, upon dissolution.

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Client Profile: Turtle House Art/Play Centre

May 8th, 2014 by Iler Campbell

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Turtle House Art/Play Centre is a unique art-based organization in Toronto, designed primarily for children and families from refugee backgrounds. Turtle House uses art, including painting, clay work/ceramics, and music, to help children and parents from regions of conflict explore their creativity, play, express themselves and make meaningful  connections.

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