Posts Tagged ‘Ontario Municipal Board’

A victory for better planning advocates — and without breaking the bank

March 5th, 2013 by Paula Boutis

In November 2011, we posted a blog about cost effective strategies to promote better planning and development in your neighbourhood.  As part of that post, we encouraged community groups who have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) to seriously consider settlement as a way to achieve goals and avoid a costly hearing.

Recently, I became aware of a decision where a community group, Centretown Citizens in Ottawa, did just that, and is happy to brag about it.  You can find their story here.  Centretown notes, quite rightly, that not only is it costly for the citizens groups to proceed with an OMB hearing, but a massive drain on the municipality’s coffers — public money — too.

Congratulations to the Centretown Citizens on finding a satisfactory resolution, and saving the taxpayers of Ottawa and other engaged citizens valuable resources.

Citizens and the Ontario Municipal Board

June 10th, 2010 by Paula Boutis

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Sierra Club Peel’s annual celebration, where the Club highlighted the 5th anniversary of the creation of the Greenbelt, and efforts underway to expand the Greenbelt.  As always, planning issues around the Greenbelt, and planning more generally, were a hot button issue.

As part of the provincial government’s raft of important planning initiatives around the time the Greenbelt was introduced, the government also headed the comments and concerns of citizens  and municipalities that the battle to protect spaces and places was being lost by municipalities and their citizens at the Ontario Municipal Board.

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