Federal government commits to largest investment in co-operative housing in decades

July 15th, 2024 by Fatema Jivaji

The federal government is investing $1.5 billion towards new co-operative housing through the Co-operative Housing Development Program.

A Housing For All banner on a Toronto housing co-op with the one per cent logo from the 1998 campaign for all levels of government to allocate an additional one per cent of their budget to a national housing program.

In Canada, many households prefer homeownership because of the precarity of rental housing. The landlord-tenant relationship skews on the side of the landlord, leading to issues related to affordability, low maintenance standards, and security of tenure. The adjudicative body charged with overseeing and enforcing residential tenancy laws remains back-logged, such that it can take months- or even years- to deal with maintenance concerns, bad faith evictions and other issues. Continue reading “Federal government commits to largest investment in co-operative housing in decades”

Iler Campbell LLP proud to sponsor the CHFT’s Diversity Scholarship, in its 20th year!

July 12th, 2024 by Iler Campbell LLP

Read more about this initiative to award scholarships to students residing in member co-ops, here: https://co-ophousingtoronto.coop/programs/diversity-scholarship/

Attention: Employers!

June 14th, 2024 by Safia Lakhani

The landscape of employment law is ever‑shifting; there have been significant recent developments in the case‑law around the enforceability of termination clauses.

By law, employers are required to give employees reasonable notice of termination where they are terminated without cause and have entered into a contract for an “indefinite” term, or a series of consecutive fixed terms.

The question of what constitutes “reasonable notice” is less clear.

Continue reading “Attention: Employers!”

Community bonds turn social capital into financial capital

May 6th, 2024 by Ken Farrell

Community bonds not only help raise funds for specific projects, but can also help contribute to the long-term social health of a community.

The Centre for Social Innovation on Spadina Ave. in Toronto. Credit: CSI Credit: CSI

A community bond is a financing tool used by social-purpose entities like charities, non-profits, and co-op, for raising money, and by investors who want to see their money put to good use while still earning a return on investment. Continue reading “Community bonds turn social capital into financial capital”

Brian Iler will be speaking on the social purpose of real estate at the Ontario Nonprofit Network’s annual conference

April 9th, 2024 by Iler Campbell LLP

Brian Iler will be discussing the social purpose of real estate at the Nonprofit Driven Annual Conference organized by the Ontario Nonprofit Network, taking place on May 14-15, 2024.

For further information, please visit this link: https://theonn.ca/join/nonprofit-driven-conference/?mc_cid=10cce454e6&mc_eid=ac43a3a5ef

Safia Lakhani will be speaking on the legal frameworks for co-ownership agreements at a session hosted by GoCo Solutions

March 13th, 2024 by Iler Campbell LLP

Iler Campbell Partner, Safia Lakhani, will be speaking on the legal frameworks for co-ownership agreements on March 19th, at a session hosted by GoCo Solutions. Learn how to protect yourself in co-buying- and co-owning- property in Ontario!