Posts by Iler Campbell LLP

Brian on Organizing Renewable Energy Community Power Projects

September 18th, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

Brian is a speaker at the Ontario Nonprofit Network Conference, Friday, September 28, 2012. He’ll be participating in a half day session on organizing renewable energy community power projects where he’ll be speaking on contracting to implement community power projects. It will be held at Victoria College and costs just $35 to attend.

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Join us for a free workshop on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012

August 7th, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

Learn how to use the new Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012 and proposed regulations.  This is your chance to ask experienced environmental lawyers Paula Boutis and Laura Bowman how the new legislation works and what to expect.  This 2‑hour nuts and bolts presentation will help you feel confident using and participating in this completely new process.

Who should attend? 

  • Environmental consultants
  • Environmental NGOs
  • Planners
  • Municipal staff

What does it cost?

  • Free of charge

When and where?

  • August 22, 4:30 – 6:30 PM
  • Iler Campbell’s offices:
    150 John Street, 7th Floor
    Toronto M5V 3E3

RSVP to Andrea Eggleton
[email protected]
or by phone at (416) 598-0103.
Space is limited.

Tax court confirms “connecting factors test” for on-Reserve income tax exemption

July 30th, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

On July 7th 2012, the Tax Court of Canada (the Court) handed down its decision in Dickie v The Queen regarding a reassessment of a status Indian operating a proprietorship from Fort Nelson Indian Reserve (the Reserve).  Mr. Dickie operated a business clearing and slashing timber on contract for oil and gas companies to conduct seismic surveys of the land. While he accepted some contract work that took place on the Reserve, an overwhelming majority of his business came from work conducted off Reserve.

Continue reading “Tax court confirms “connecting factors test” for on-Reserve income tax exemption”

Principles for Community Financing – A new paper from the ONN

July 25th, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

The Ontario Nonprofit Network has just released a new discussion document, “Principles for Community Financing in Ontario” (pdf) into which Brian Iler had considerable input.

The paper is intended to provide a foundation for collective action and discussion on the topic of nonprofit financing. Towards this goal, it lays out eight foundational principles for community financing which the authors, the Ontario Social Economy Roundtable, a constellation of the ONN, hope will contribute to greater understanding and engagement in the field of community based financing in Ontario and in other jurisdictions.

A Victory for Free Speech ‑ Pride Toronto’s Dispute Resolution Panel dismisses complaint against QuAIA

July 24th, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

A decision (pdf)  handed down by the Dispute Resolution Panel of Pride Toronto has dismissed a complaint lodged by B’nai Brith against the participation of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QuAIA) in the Pride Toronto March. Charles Campbell represented QuAIA at the hearing on June 27th. The Panel issued a “bottom line” decision on June 29th, so as to allow QiAIA to participate in the parade on July 1st. They subsequently released the full reasons for the decision on July 9th.

Continue reading “A Victory for Free Speech ‑ Pride Toronto’s Dispute Resolution Panel dismisses complaint against QuAIA”

New rules give community based power projects priority access to feed-in-tariffs

July 13th, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

On July 11, 2012 the Minister of Energy issued a Directive to the Ontario Power Authority to allow greater access to feed‑in‑tariff (FIT) contracts for community based power projects.  The new rules will keep private sector projects in-check by ensuring 50 percent community based equity.

The Directive provides for priority to applications with a greater than 50 percent community equity interest held by a co‑operative where at least 50 or more members are local property owners, or where there is greater than 50 percent Aboriginal equity participation.  The OPA will offer contracts to these projects before offering contracts to other projects in the application window.

The OPA is also directed to amend the Community Energy Partnership Program eligibility requirements to align with the eligibility requirements for community projects under the FIT Rules.  The OPA shall allocate up to $1 million annually for education funding and capacity building.

The changes are great news for community power projects.  Iler Campbell LLP represents and advises organizations on a variety of community power projects.  For more information on this topic please contact us!