Posts by Iler Campbell LLP

Paula Boutis and David McRobert in OBA’s ENVIRONEWS

March 15th, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

In the current issue of the Ontario Bar Association’s ENVIRONEWS, Paula Boutis and David McRobert describe their recent application to the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario that advocates for legislation mandating funding for participants and intervenors in various statutory hearing processes. The law would improve on similar legislation that existed in Ontario from 1988 to 1996. We previously wrote about this here and here.

Read the article (pdf).

David McRobert is co-author of another article (pdf) in the issue. He and Tyler Edwards consider whether an over-emphasis on recycling – to the detriment of reducing and reusing – has contributed to the waste management and broader societal problems that we are facing today.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Participant Funding Announced

March 1st, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission participant funding program (pdf) was introduced in the 2011 federal budget bill.  Amendments to the Nuclear Safety and Control Act allow participants in CNSC hearings to apply for funding under the program.

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Tools videos are online!

February 23rd, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

Our one-day conference jam-packed full of workshops for progressive organizations and individuals has come and gone, but if you’d like to see what you missed, review a talk you loved or share one with a friend or colleague, we’ve just put videos of many of them up online.

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David McRobert and Paula Boutis Propose an Ontario Participant and Intervenor Funding Act

January 30th, 2012 by Iler Campbell LLP

In August David McRobert and Paula Boutis asked if it was time for Ontario political parties to revisit the issue of intervenor funding and access to environmental justice. They have followed up and made an application under the Environmental Bill of Rights requesting a review of existing laws, regulations and policies related to public participation and hearings under the Environment Assessment Act and other environmental and planning laws.

Continue reading “David McRobert and Paula Boutis Propose an Ontario Participant and Intervenor Funding Act”

Have we ever got news for you! MEGA-NEWS!

December 19th, 2011 by Iler Campbell LLP

Our holiday card just arrived in the mail … along with a whole bunch of other stuff…

Check it out!

ONN Asks the Minister of Consumer Services to Make Amendments to the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act

December 6th, 2011 by Iler Campbell LLP

The Ontario Nonprofit Network writes, in a press release:

The Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) is due to be proclaimed in the fall of 2012. However, many organizations in the nonprofit sector will have great difficulty using the Act and face the risk of it destabilizing the governance mechanisms of their organizations. We believe that our proposed amendments to the Act, as outlined in the attached brief (pdf), will make it a model piece of nonprofit corporate legislation.

Continue reading “ONN Asks the Minister of Consumer Services to Make Amendments to the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act”