
The cost of lost amenities in COVID-19

May 11th, 2020 by Karly Wilson

A young couple is renting a one‑bedroom plus den unit in a building. They both work from home, and when looking for a new place they were concerned about the cost of renting a place large enough for them both to have a workspace. They chose this building because of its amenities: a gym, a party room, and a common workspace with couches, large tables and free internet access. One of the tenants was able to use the den in the building as a home office and the other used the common workspace in the building. However, with the onset of the global pandemic, all of the shared spaces in the building have been closed, forcing them both to work in the apartment.

Amenities like gyms, pools, business centres, and party rooms are used to induce tenants to move to certain buildings, and often pay higher rents. Now in the age of COVID‑19, tenants have yet to receive any rent relief and are unable to access common spaces that encouraged them to accept these higher costs.

What options do tenants have for relief? And what will that mean for landlords? Continue reading “The cost of lost amenities in COVID-19”

Community living in the time of COVID-19: navigating the law

May 6th, 2020 by Iler Campbell

This is part of a series of webinars we’re running all May long. Check out the other events here!

We’ve just posted a recording of Celia Chandler’s webinar, “Community living in the time of COVID-19: navigating the law.” Check it out below.


Continue reading “Community living in the time of COVID-19: navigating the law”

Free legal webinar series – every Wednesday in May

April 24th, 2020 by Iler Campbell

Every Wednesday in May: Free legal webinars for co-op & non-profit housing, employers and small business.

We know that COVID-19 has brought new challenges, including many legal ones.  We know too that the old legal challenges are all still there. Finally, we know that organizers of all in-person conferences and workshops have cancelled them for the foreseeable future.  The need to learn, however, has not stopped.

We’re here to help.

Join us in May every Wednesday at noon for a free legal webinar series. Continue reading “Free legal webinar series – every Wednesday in May”

Update: Some helpful clarifications from the LTB regarding evictions

April 9th, 2020 by Iler Campbell

As of April 2, 2020, the Landlord and Tenant Tribunal updated their website forms section to include the Request for Urgent Hearing Motion Form and Instructions for the Request for Urgent Motion Form. These forms are available to assist landlords, co-operatives and tenants in the event that a hearing is urgently required; for example:

  1. In exceptional and extremely urgent circumstances such as a threat to life or safety; or
  2. A serious illegal act.

The form includes a textbox where the applicant can provide details to support their request. An applicant should be aware that if they do not provide enough details of their request it may be denied. Supporting details include:

  1. Where the issue occurred
  2. Dates and times of the occurrences,
  3. Whether or not the issue is ongoing and who caused the issue(s).

Free webinar: tenant and employee rights in COVID-19

March 30th, 2020 by Iler Campbell

UPDATE: Video of this workshop is online now. View it above or on YouTube here. 

Iler Campbell lawyer, Safia Lakhani, will be participating in a free webinar this Tuesday at 7pm titled “What next? Navigating your employment & housing rights in COVID-19.” Continue reading “Free webinar: tenant and employee rights in COVID-19”

Some helpful clarifications from the LTB regarding evictions

March 30th, 2020 by Iler Campbell

UPDATE Aug 5, 2020: See the latest info here.

Update: the LTB has updated their website forms section to include the Request for Urgent Hearing Motion Form and Instructions for the Request for Urgent Motion Form. See our update for full details.

You may have heard that the LTB has suspended hearings related to eviction applications as well as the issuance of eviction orders. A recently posted update on their website clarifies that while they’re not hearing arrears or N5 or N5C applications, they will continue to hear serious cases in which an N6, N6C, N7 or N7C was served. It is not entirely clear from the update whether they will be proceeding with all of these applications or just those that they deem to be urgent.

We will continue to post updates on our blog as they become available. Continue reading “Some helpful clarifications from the LTB regarding evictions”