Lack of diversity on non-profit boards is rooted in privilege

February 25th, 2021 by Shelina Ali


Last December, Statistics Canada undertook a crowdsourced survey of non-profit and charity boards in Canada to assess the diversity of individuals serving on those boards. The survey was completed by 8,835 board members. Of those members who responded, 14 per cent identified as being immigrants to Canada; 11 per cent identified as belonging to a visible minority group; eight per cent identified as LGBTQ2+; six per cent identified as persons with a disability; and three per cent identified as First Nations, Métis or Inuit. Continue reading “Lack of diversity on non-profit boards is rooted in privilege”

COVID-19 restrictions are a reminder that Charter rights have limits

January 28th, 2021 by Michael Hackl

This article was first published on

While the passage of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982 heralded a new age in the protection of individual rights in Canada, the rights protected by the Charter are not absolute. Continue reading “COVID-19 restrictions are a reminder that Charter rights have limits”

Year in review – Iler Campbell LLP – 2020

December 23rd, 2020 by Iler Campbell LLP

2020 began like a normal year. We were gearing up for our regular work, conferences, vacations, and personal milestones.   Suddenly we were thrust with our clients and the rest of the world into uncharted waters. Like everyone else, we started “pivot”, “social distance”, “mask‑up”, “zoom”, and, of course, figure out how to work mostly from our home offices. Continue reading “Year in review – Iler Campbell LLP – 2020”

Reflections on the WE fiasco

December 18th, 2020 by Brian Iler

This article was first published on

I watched last summer’s WE Charity brouhaha with particular interest.

An apparently hugely successful charity and social enterprise empire, WE Charity found itself vilified in the media, resulting in the loss of donors and the eventual closing of its Canadian operation. The fallout even saw the resignation of Finance Minister Bill Morneau. Continue reading “Reflections on the WE fiasco”

Time for an early new year’s resolution – book some training!

December 14th, 2020 by Iler Campbell LLP

Nearly five years ago, in March 2016, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) released a landmark case for housing providers.  The decision, Welykyi and Rouge Valley Co-operative Homes Inc., was the first significant decision of the HRTO to relate to housing.  Although it was a co-op case, it helps all housing providers understand the importance of decisive action when tenants or members harass each other on grounds protected under the Human Rights Code.   Continue reading “Time for an early new year’s resolution – book some training!”

From a little idea comes a big program: CHFT Diversity Scholarships

December 7th, 2020 by Celia Chandler

One of the highlights of the Iler Campbell year has always been attending the CHFT Diversity Scholarship Awards night every June.  We get dressed up and head out for a night on the town.  It’s such a heartwarming event, showing us the results of the support people pursuing post‑secondary education can get from the co‑op sector.  We hear such remarkable stories from co‑opers, each one striving to make the world a better place for themselves and everyone around them. Continue reading “From a little idea comes a big program: CHFT Diversity Scholarships”