Free Webinar on Policy on Competing Human Rights

July 19th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

Ontario Human Rights Commission is offering a free webinar on its Policy on Competing Human Rights. The policy provides importance guidance on what to do when to accommodate the rights of one person leads to a possible breach of the rights of another.

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Client Profile: Architectural Conservancy of Ontario

July 17th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

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The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario is a charity with the goal of helping communities preserve buildings and structures of architectural merit and places of natural beauty and interest. Their activities include advocacy and activism, the commissioning of studies and reports as well as public outreach and education programs. Twice yearly they publish ACORN, a magazine devoted to preservation issues of province-wide interest . Their PreservationWorks! program sends experts to assess and report on heritage properties and can assist in gaining public support, warn of structural issues and suggest preservation strategies. And their Historic Architectural Linking Program connects prospective purchasers with vacant, at-risk heritage properties. The Conservancy has 24 branches across Ontario. Branch activities include lectures, tours and advocacy and restoration of heritage properties.

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Client Profile: Options for Homes Non-Profit Corporation

July 10th, 2013 by Iler Campbell
Danforth Village Estates, one of Options' current projects, on  Danforth Road just north of Eglinton Avenue East.

Danforth Village Estates, one of Options’ current projects, on Danforth Road just north of Eglinton Avenue East.

Options for Homes Non-Profit Corporation (“Options”) is dedicated to providing quality condominium homes in great communities at the best possible price. Over 3,700 new homes have been built using their innovative model, creating great communities of people living in quality homes that are affordable.

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After bizarre saga, Information and Privacy Commissioner decision gives hope for better access to scientific studies

July 5th, 2013 by Paula Boutis

On May 14, 2013, the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) issued a long awaited appeal decision (pdf) on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) and the Ministry of Transportation’s (MTO) refusal to release natural heritage reports. Ostensibly access was refused on the basis of Cabinet privilege. On appeal, the IPC ordered the release of these reports to Sierra Club Ontario Chapter (SCO).

This was a bizarre case of the left hand not talking to the right hand, and the Ministries wanting it both ways.

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Court rejects Conservative Party MPs’ attempt to block non-profit Council of Canadians from supporting public interest litigation

June 27th, 2013 by Paula Boutis

Amidst all the excitement around the Federal Court’s May 23, 2013 decision (pdf) in which the court held that “electoral fraud occurred during the 41st General Election,” the court was also asked to dismiss the applications outright on the basis of how the applicants were funding their legal bills.

This was one of many tactics employed by the respondent Members of Parliament (MPs) to derail the litigation and prevent it from ever being heard.

This issue around how the litigation was funded is of general importance in the context of public interest litigation. In public interest cases, the litigants, whether non-profits or individuals, have limited financial means to pursue the litigation. Funding public interest litigation only gets harder and harder, so it was refreshing to see a complete vindication of the funding of this case by the Council of Canadians.


Brian Iler reelected to SolarShare board of directors

June 25th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

We’re pleased to announce that Brian has been reelected to the board of directors of SolarShare Co-operative. SolarShare is a not-for-profit co-operative corporation with the express goal of growing community-based solar electricity generation in Ontario by engaging residents and investors in projects that offer tangible financial, social, and environmental returns. Since 2010, SolarShare has been developing and installing solar power projects across the province. SolarShare is a project of TREC Renewable Energy Co-operative.

Along with Brian’s reelection, SolarShare President Mike Brigham also announced four new projects that will bring SolarShare’s total portfolio to 1.59 MW and $10 million invested by August 2013.

Brian has been on the Board of Directors of TREC and SolarShare since their inception and he is a founding director of Toronto’s innovative wind energy co-op, Windshare, which co-owns the wind turbine on Toronto’s waterfront. He’s also a past chair of Ontario Sustainable Energy Association, and a founding director of the Community Power Fund.