The Government of Ontario has further amended the Co‑operative Corporations Act, Ontario Not‑for‑Profit Corporations Act and Condominium Act, 1998, by permitting electronic meetings until September 30, 2023. The extension means that organizations governed by these statues can enjoy the benefits of meeting virtually for another year. Even if the by‑laws or rules of the corporation do not provide for electronic meetings, the further amendment allows them.
Initially instituted to meet gathering limits imposed to help stop the spread of COVID‑19, organizations have experienced the ongoing advantages of hosting meetings online. See our earlier blog from 2020 when the option first came to Ontario. Now, many organizations are having hybrid meetings, a mix between in‑person and virtual participants, that have worked to boost community involvement regardless of participants’ comfort with gathering or mobility needs.
While these measures remain temporary for now, we’re pleased that the Government of Ontario has extended the provisions once again and look forward to hearing from clients who continue to benefit from them.