Iler Campbell at ONPHA conference

October 18th, 2013 by Iler Campbell

The Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association annual conference got underway yesterday and Iler Campbell was well represented.

Celia Chandler kicked things off, leading a half-day course yesterday on the Human Rights Commission’s Policy on Competing Human Rights. She will be back on Saturday for a session titled “Help! I’ve received a human rights complaint.”

Brian Iler and Shelina Ali presented today on the new Not- for-Profit Corporations Act: Updates for Housing Providers. And Laura Bowman presented on “Everything You Need to Know About Tenancy Credit Reports”. Finally, Laura will take part in an LTB mock hearing tomorrow.

Iler Campbell’s own Tools conference, coming up on November 20th, will offer a chance to catch a few of these topics if you missed them at ONPHA. Celia will be presenting on competing human rights and Shelina will be presenting a talk titled “ONCA/CNCA – Are You Ready?” Check out for the full lineup.

Filed in: Firm News

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